
Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., spent a day walking in workers’ – teachers’ – shoes, in Michigan.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.
The bottom line is: We need people to get out and vote; there are no do-overs here.